Providing evidence for wheatgrass juice benefits
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Our Mission

This website was created to make available the large amount of scientific evidence that already exists documenting the health benefits of wheatgrass. It was created from sheer frustration of how difficult it is to find this information if you do not belong to a university or have time to go through the various scientific websites. Our aim is to provide access to existing research to strengthen the knowledge of what wheatgrass can do for your health with direct reference to the original research.

As it is no longer possible to refer to health research on websites offering wheatgrass due to the tightening of European and UK law for health foods, we will therefore make no reference to specific companies unless they are directly involved in the research. Although we are wheatgrass enthusiasts and a major producer in Europe, we have an ambition to stay unbiased in providing evidence. We will not select articles based on their findings nor interpret the results in any favourable way.

This is a non for profit website and we will not promote any particular products here. This website is solely for you to inform yourself about wheatgrass benefits. It is a very simple yet, hopefully, informative website, where we will continuously post scientific evidence with regards to properties of wheatgrass juice. As it is not a marketing tool, you will not find an expensive looking design and interface. Your webmaster hopes that for a change you will appreciate the absence of healthy looking women running with arms open amongst unspoiled landscapes.

Please note that in search for new evidence we will regularly update this website so it is worth checking it on a regular basis.

How to use this website

You are welcome to browse original research articles that are organised in broader categories according to various themes and illnesses. These are pdf files of the original articles.

For those who find the scientific language challenging, we will also write synopses of the available evidence for particular illnesses and topics. These are produced on a regular basis and updated when new evidence becomes available.

You can search this website on various phrases and illnesses using Google tool at the top of each page.

You can also suggest evidence that you have come found and we will include it in the archives. We are very interested in your personal experience using wheatgrass and you are very welcome to write to us about your illness and how wheatgrass has helped you. This information is no longer possible to include on commercial websites due to the tightening of legislation, so this platform is providing you with a rare opportunity to share your own experiences.

For several reasons, we cannot answer specific questions in relation to wheatgrass juice or your particular condition.